On August 5, 2023, the descendants of Paul Robitschek visited WINZER KREMS. Paul Robitschek had been the Jewish owner of a winery in the Krems Sandgrube until 1938. After the National Socialists took power, Robitschek had to flee and the winery, which is today the headquarter of WINZER KREMS, was aryanized. WINZER KREMS has taken its historical responsibility: This dark chapter of its founding history hat been scientifically reviewed from 2018 to 2020.
Warmly welcomed by the WINZER KREMS deputy chairman oAnton Brandstetter, the Robitschek family's visit to Winzern Krems was also a journey into the history of the Jewish family. Also present was Junanita Robitschek from Venezuela - Paul Robitschek's niece, who had visited us in Sandgrube 13 twice before. The friendly visit was a meeting of reconciliation, but it was also emphasized that the horrors of the Nazi period should never be forgotten.