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Sandgrube 13

Social responsibility

As a cooperative and employer, we have responsibility for our winegrowers and employees. The moderate, conscious handling of wine is, however, our responsibility towards our customers.


Nowadays, the meaning of the word "cooperative" is highly topical: Several people concentrate their interests and competences and create a platform for processing and distributing their products in common. Individuality is the mystery: wine growers with small vineyard plots, often exhaustingly cultivated per hand, meet such ones with large mechanical edited areas. All of them have the same target: premium grape quality. They have to be unified by the cooperative which makes their existence - that is our social responsibility.

Nowadays, the meaning of the word "cooperative" is highly topical: Several people concentrate their interests and competences and create a platform for processing and distributing their products in common. Individuality is the mystery: wine growers with small vineyard plots, often exhaustingly cultivated per hand, meet such ones with large mechanical edited areas. All of them have the same target: premium grape quality. They have to be unified by the cooperative which makes their existence - that is our social responsibility.

Wine in Moderation

Wine in Moderation is a worldwide initiative for the moderate, responsible use of wine in order to avoid alcohol-related harm. The message "Wine in moderation - enjoying wine consciously" is intended to raise awareness and inform both the wine industry and consumers. The aim is to keep protecting wine as a cultural asset and to establish the moderate enjoyment of wine. WINZER KREMS is aware of its social responsibility concernning the considerable consumption of wine and therefore WINZER KREMS is a member of this movement.

» download: certificate Wine in Moderation (pdf)

» download: enjoy wine consciously (pdf, german)

» link: position paper of the Austrian wine industry

» link: Wine in Moderation

Wine in Moderation is a worldwide initiative for the moderate, responsible use of wine in order to avoid alcohol-related harm. The message "Wine in moderation - enjoying wine consciously" is intended to raise awareness and inform both the wine industry and consumers. The aim is to keep protecting wine as a cultural asset and to establish the moderate enjoyment of wine. WINZER KREMS is aware of its social responsibility concernning the considerable consumption of wine and therefore WINZER KREMS is a member of this movement.

» download: certificate Wine in Moderation (pdf)

» download: enjoy wine consciously (pdf, german)

» link: position paper of the Austrian wine industry

» link: Wine in Moderation

Company health measures

In 2020, WINZER KREMS received the seal of approval for workplace health promotion from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund for the first time. In 2023, the award was renewed again for 3 years. It is awarded to companies which take special measures to promote the health of their employees. The employees themselve worked out possibilities and suggestions in working groups. The following measures were implemented:

  •     Offering an annual health checkup at the "Institute for Preventive
        and Applied Sports Medicine" at the Krems University Hospital.
  •     Free annual flu vaccination for all employees
  •     Purchase of equipment to facilitate work (for example e-stacker)
  •     Reducing noise sources in the recreation rooms, improved hearing
        protection in the bottling plant
  •     Structural measures to optimize the workplace
  •     Organization of burnout prevention measures (lecture by

» link: network Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (German)

» download: certificate Betrieliche Gesundheitsförderung 2023-2025 (German)

In 2020, WINZER KREMS received the seal of approval for workplace health promotion from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund for the first time. In 2023, the award was renewed again for 3 years. It is awarded to companies which take special measures to promote the health of their employees. The employees themselve worked out possibilities and suggestions in working groups. The following measures were implemented:

  •     Offering an annual health checkup at the "Institute for Preventive
        and Applied Sports Medicine" at the Krems University Hospital.
  •     Free annual flu vaccination for all employees
  •     Purchase of equipment to facilitate work (for example e-stacker)
  •     Reducing noise sources in the recreation rooms, improved hearing
        protection in the bottling plant
  •     Structural measures to optimize the workplace
  •     Organization of burnout prevention measures (lecture by

» link: network Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung (German)

» download: certificate Betrieliche Gesundheitsförderung 2023-2025 (German)